How Does A Speaker Work?

Let's start with the sound basics
The vibration of the sound source body caused surrounding air oscillation, and the oscillation method is the sound wave.Sonic through various media to spread in all directions.
In the air in the air of the open space, the propagation method is like gradually blowing soap bubbles, which is a spherical wave wave.
The sound refers to the special case of audio waves, such as the listening sound wave of human vessels. When the array wave is reached, the human hearing instrument official will have the corresponding sound feeling.
It refers to the special case of sound audible sound, such as audible sound to the human ear, that when the wave reaches the human ear front position, the human hearing organ will have a corresponding sound perception.
Speaker, various instruments and pronunciation organs of people and animals are all sources.

The sound principle of speaker
According to Faraday's law, when the carrier conductor passes the magnetic field, it will receive an electric power. The direction is in line with the Fleming left hand, force current, the magnetic field direction is vertical, the force size and current, wire length, magnetic flux density. According to Faraday's law, when the carrier conductor passes the magnetic field, it will receive an electric power. The direction is in line with the Fleming left hand, force current, the magnetic field direction is vertical, the force size and current, wire length, magnetic flux density.

So How Does A Speaker Actually Work?
Those are all the visible pieces in a speaker. What is happening inside the system that causes the cone to move? While most people are aware that there is a magnet in a speaker, the function of a traditional speaker actually requires two magnets to work: the fixed magnet and an electromagnet, which is created by the voice coil.
The voice coil is a tube made of some conductive, heat-resistant material that is wrapped in wire. The cone’s movement is created by the interaction of the voice coil (that becomes an electromagnet when a current is applied) and the fixed magnet that surrounds the voice coil. This voice coil is the key component in the movement of a speaker.
The voice-coil system works because, by changing the direction of the electrical current in the electromagnet, we can change whether it is attracted to the fixed magnet or repelled away from it. This allows us to very quickly move the speaker back and forth to create those air-pressure waves.
A positive charge to the electromagnet causes it to move away from the magnet and toward the listener, while a negative charge causes it to be attracted to the fixed magnet, which moves the cone away from the listener.
This may help you understand why a speaker being wired out of polarity is such a big issue. You likely wouldn’t really hear the impact with one driver, but when different drivers are moving in opposite directions, they are fighting against each other to create those air compressions and rarefactions. This can cause frequencies to destructively interact with each other and make audio hash!
In my toy-train analogy, we could reverse the polarity of the charge by physically turning the train car around. Unfortunately, there is no quick and elegant way to do that. The electromagnetic approach allows the voice coil to switch polarity and power instantaneously, so we can generate motion in the voice coil in ways that range from subtle to extreme. Since the voice coil is attached to the cone, it translates these electrical changes into motion in the cone, which causes air movement.

Alternative speaker product
Most speakers use traditional drives.But there are other techniques speaker on the market.
These products are superior to traditional electric speakers, but in other aspects, they may not see their advantages.Therefore, they usually use with the driver device.
The most popular alternative product is an electrostatic speaker.
These speakers vibrates air through large and thin guided electrical compact sheets.These speakers vibrates air through large and thin guided electrical compact sheets.
The speaker vibrates air through the large thin conductive separator.
A separator suspended between two fixed guide plates, is charged by a wall outlet.
These charges have an electric field having a positive and negative electrode.Electric field is generated between the positive and negative electrodes having the charging plate.
The audio signal forms a current through the suspension plate, rapidly transform between positively and negative electricity.
When the charge is positive, the suspension plate moves to the anode region of the electric field; when the charge is negative, the suspension plate moves to the positive electrode region of the electric field.